Monday, November 12, 2007

My Daily Dose

I do, occasionally, take requests!

Webcomics are fun. Webcomics are easy to find. Webcomics can be terrible or wonderful mindcandy. However, they are rarely 'serious art.' I am somewhat addicted because of the variety and the sheer 'hit' you get when you discover one that's new to you. Several years of archives equal a whole afternoon and this afternoon feels like a combination of your favorite TV show, a fun book, and a slot machine. Somewhat dangerous. Many long-running comics require this, however, because of plots more layered than a Paleozoic lake bed in volcano territory and recurring in-jokes. Please note: many of the following works may not be 'work safe' or 'child safe.'

My two favorites are:
Schlock Mercenary, a pirate space opera with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Color, runs 7 days/wk without fail, strip with a Sunday super-size.
Questionable Content, a bunch of hipster kids with self esteem issues, lots of music references, and talking computer appliances. Color, runs M-F, full page in 3-4 panels.

Some really cool ones to watch:
Templar, Arizona, basically about a kid who ran away from home, but also a cyber-/steam-/crusty- punk in an alternate universe. Large format B&W, updates once or twice a week. It's pretty new, but substantial so far.

xkcd, is a reaaallly nerdy stick-figure strip but it's got a great sense of humor, which makes it very popular. B&W 3-panel, updates 2-3 times a week.

Gunnerkrigg Court
is one I found the other day. Totally safe for kids of the Harry Potter set, which it seems to be targeting. Very whimsical and unpredictable, but pretty creative. A girl is sent to a magical schooling institution. Large format color, updates 2-3 times a week.

All these and other stuff I've made a point to remember is located here.

If you go to any of these comics, they normally have link sections which can lead to some really interesting neighbors. Only half of above list is well-known, but there are some really big names like Penny Arcade, PvP, Devil's Panties, and Sinfest on the far side of the link. There are also a lot of big name/popular works that I'm just not very interested in and haven't referenced, so if you see a name that keeps popping up in link sections, that would be something that the hordes have deemed worthy.


J. said...

Awesome. Thanks for doing. As a coincidence, Yahoo ran a piece on Marvel putting old, non-Web comics on the Web:

Nick said...

oooOOOooo! that looks goood.

incidentally, has just run an article about xkcd.