Saturday, September 1, 2007

New House!

Spent all day running around and negotiating, and renegotiating, the terms of our move in, but I am now one third of a flat. We're in northwest Brno, about 10 minutes out from the center on the number 4 tram line. I'm living with Ahmed and another IBM'er Cynthia, she's from Brazil. Will talk more later, but for now: Wooohooo!


SoirBleu said...

Congrats, Nick! That's really good news. So... does that mean you also have a job, since you decided to live in Brno and not Poland? How long are you there for? What is rent on your place compared to general?

That's so awesome. Congratulations again.

SoirBleu said...

Although, honestly, I'm astonished you're living with Mr Ahmed after your descriptions of his exploits. Should be entertaining if nothing else.