Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wash. Post does Doonesbury

Doonesbury is probably one of the longest running cartoons that I respect. So I was happy to see this article that the Washington Post has on Gary Trudeau. The lead-in is mostly related to how, since 9-11, Trudeau has called BD up to the Guard in Iraq, blown his leg off, and put him into physio-emotional rehab since then. It has been a fascinating and poinant story. Plus I never knew that Gary had married Jane Paulley

Here's a quote from the article:

"Trudeau made the startling, un-cartoonish decision to mutilate one of his characters.

It was not just any character. B.D. had been a Doonesbury fixture since Day One. Literally. On the day the strip debuted in 28 newspapers nationwide -- October 26, 1970 -- B.D. was alone in the opening panel, sitting in his dorm room on the first day of school, football helmet inexplicably on his head, wondering what kind of roommate he'd get. To his everlasting annoyance, it turned out to be Michael Doonesbury."

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