Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Not dead yet, I swear.

Been running around this week, actually doing some things. Unfortunately that takes time away from the glowing screen and I'm feeling a little stupid for spending as much money as I have (since I'm still technically unemployed).

Update: One company, Slůně, doesn't have their fall schedule, yet , but is asking me to do some substitutions for them. Yes at the moment (plus they're paying me my asking price!). I've got my demo lesson with MKM tonite. FINALLY. The general lack of normal classes has put a crimp in get official approval from those guys, but I've already done some individual lessons for them. There's some sort of fest/music thing going on in nam. Svobody all week. Last night there was a circus from Russia, a little one, quite good. Costumes inspired by Jim Henson and Tim Burton. More later.

1 comment:

SoirBleu said...

Heaven forbid you should actually be enjoying yourself /experiencing your trip instead of staring at a computer screen. But that being said, Maow! I want to hear more about said circus. It sounds really interesting. I'm also glad that job prospects are looking up. --A.